We know that when it comes to outdoor gear, the sewing thread you use can make all the difference. That’s why we’ve developed a line of high-performance, outdoor sewing threads that are specifically designed to withstand the elements and keep your gear strong.
Our outdoor sewing threads are made from the highest-quality materials, like Nylon 6.6, Polyester, PTFE and Polyester Cotton, so they can stand up to the sun, wind, and rain. They’re also extremely strong and durable, so you can be sure that your gear will hold up to the demands of the great outdoors. We offer a wide range of colors and sizes to suit any project, and we’re constantly updating our selection to keep up with the latest trends and technologies. Whether you’re working on a tent, sail, awning, or outdoor furniture, you can count on our outdoor sewing threads to get the job done. With Liberty Threads, you can rest assured that you are getting the highest quality thread on the market. We are committed to providing our customers with the best products and customer service. Contact Us to learn more about how our outdoor sewing threads can help you create durable, high-quality products that will stand the test of time.
Sailmaking Zig Zag & double needle stitching | Boat Covers | Tents, Sunscreen, Awnings, Parasols | Flags & Tarpaulins | Backpacks | Slings, Belts & Tie Downs | Bouncy Castle | Parachutes, Kites and Hot Air Balloons | Saddlery & Equestrian | Diving & Wet Suits | Garden Cushions | |
LIBERTY TOPFIL | |||||||||||
LIBERTY SOFTBOND | |||||||||||
LIBERTY TWINBOND | |||||||||||
LIBERTY LIBFIL | |||||||||||
LIBERTY SETAL | |||||||||||
LIBERTY PTFE | |||||||||||
Need help?
Reach out to us
If you are not sure which thread to use for your specific application, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our experienced team will provide you with a personalized recommendation to meet your needs.
Liberty Quality
The selection of our raw materials is the basis of the quality of all our products. By developing long-term partnerships with our yarn and material suppliers we are able to guarantee the use of unique and superior materials. Our manufacturing processes are of the highest standards and constantly governed by benchmarks. Our aim is achieving the highest levels of performance in order to meet the needs of our customers.